He is my favorite one, he always is my favorite one,
forever~~~~~~ <3
But soon is a test to both of us, =(
we need to separate awhile after the Christmas.
Honestly this year Christmas is my worst Christmas i ever had, because we lost each other since that day....
i hope it wont happen to us, but it's true..... will happen it soon...
for me i have to face the truth,
i love him, thats why i will agree him go to Singapore that far from us...
i love him because i want him to have a good life,
i love him because i want him to live good, got a better job;
i love him because i want him to have a better future....
and i hope he can take care himself while i'm not here to remind him.
The day i remember the most is one night i chat with my best sister on that night,
you know what???
i cry....i cry in-front of her.
Can't tell what feels inside me, i just really can't control my emotion inside me.
I cry because of my lovely honey...that cause i miss him so much, and miss some one is the most painful i had, and it's like hell for me.... >.<
Thanks to her, i'm feeling better...everything it just fine and also i have to focus my exam soon.
On the other day, is another day i can't forget....
I remember i feel bored about study my subject then i went to search some cool picture.
But let me found out, i got this strongly feels that i post a sentence on his wall...
"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected"
It is a sad and missing someone sentence that i wrote, but that sentence is right suitable both of us that now we happen.
Later he told me that, very touching....
suddenly that he told me that he cry because of the sentence....
i also cry already....
the pain come from the bottom of my heart.
and now, sooner we will have to separate more longer than i though....
Honey, i use this to our trust for each other and i truely deeply madly will miss you so much. >.<
i won't give till the end....
<3 LOVE YOU <3
i never let you go at least you let me go...hope this NEVER HAPPEN TO US i insist.....