Sunday, November 13, 2011


衛蘭Janice - 無所謂 MV

This really suit my feel, my mind that i wanted to say long time ago...this music video help me a lot yes....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Event's sales and marketing
,听到名字好听咯。。压力很多工作每天做到晚晚才会。。很累!!不过也好啦,我另外一个问题已经不用在烦恼了。。我身边还有人支持我。。她们他们真的很好,我的心里真的轻松很多听了他们的支持还有我干弟的那通电话哈哈。。加油吧! 现在已经十一月了快要进入十二月了,那时候是我快要训练完毕回来了,回我的家了。。我好像我的家。 以前整天不想留在家的我,我很想家,回到去也是想呆在家里。。那种感觉。以为我在外面看了学了很多很多东西,我看法也有所改变,不会对家人那么任性。想家的我也成为压力了。。 家庭我摆在我人生的第一步,第二是我的前途和事业,第三就是我的好朋友们。。抱歉啦,爱情的。。我不想要,也对我不需要不重要。我还是觉得自由自在的很适合我。。不,因该是非常适合我叻哈哈。。为什么因为我习惯一个人咯。。压力也自然减少。。你喜欢做什么就什么嘛嘿嘿。。所以“单身快乐” XD 回到去以后,我还有更多事要去做了。。读书是一定的,做工那一定是当然要的啦。。因为在槟城的训练,穷死我咯。。。唉。。。啊,又是压力。。压力压力。。我要摆脱你 >.<

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Is November

WOW, Finally is November...on the other hand, is 1 November 2011 means 1/11/11..HAPPY SINGLE DAY is you are single hahaha....XD so do i, let's celebrate :D celebrate for freedom yeah...i feel free, and i prefer to be single..since the unhappy experience and the Ex had bother me very long till now...hope this nightmare end soon AS possible...because of him i would never wanna fall in love again, so terrible haizzz.... aiksss forget about make's my mood going down again. ermmm, well so be it..let's talk about my training HA...still got one month to go YES. and here some changes, usually next month i will going to Chi the Spa, but since training manager had offer me go to event and i quite interested on it. so he put me in sales and marketing department and will start on next week. cool, i was wanted to go this department even i request he also reject me but now is my luck yes, because after my training i will go to further study as major in marketing, operation for my next coming degree course. so now is the chance to let me know about basic in real life "homework". Not bad ya...i kinda like it. =) December is around the corner, and i will going to Front Office that time..well is the main subject in Hospitality Management, of course can dress nicely wakaka...their Front office uniform so nice (L) haha. so excited. wont getting bored because i had meet some friends in management department and we got hang out some time..hmm okay lu as long as is difference than before when i come here....and really really i had learn something new since being train here...cheessss....